18th Street: Southside Playboys
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Report Format Empty Report Format

Post  Max_Torres Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:35 pm

Use only this format or your report will be deined.

Date: <MM/DD/YY>

Your name:

Member you're reporting:
Rules broken:

<Explained what happened in as much detail as possible from the begining>

<Screenshots, videos, references, quotes>[/quote]

[b]Date:[/b] <MM/DD/YY>

[b]Your name:[/b]

[b]Member you're reporting:[/b]
[b]Rules broken:[/b]

<Explained what happened in as much detail as possible from the begining>

<Screenshots, videos, references, quotes>

Only Administrators and General Administrators allow to accept the Reports.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2013-01-18


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