18th Street: Southside Playboys
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About Reporting on Member

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About Reporting on Member Empty About Reporting on Member

Post  Giovanni"LIL G"Ramirez Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:12 pm

If you saw member in the faction breaking rules like Metagaming in the faction chat (/f ) or OOC disrespecting other members and etc make sure to report on him and he will be deal with IG, Also every member got only 3 warnings when he receive the third warning he will be kicked out without inviting him back in.

Make sure using right format when you goin to report and remember while posting report you got to have proof on the member you reporting or the report will be AUTO-DENIED.

- Faction Owner / Gang Leader
Giovanni"LIL G"Ramirez

Posts : 15
Join date : 2013-01-19
Age : 28
Location : Grove Street, Ganton


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